Contact Us
Dial 911
Stowe Police: 802-253-7126 (Non-emergency)
Stowe Fire: 802-253-4315 (Non-emergency)
Mailing Address (for all correspondence and billing)
Robinson Springs Property Owners Association
PO Box 1149
Stowe, Vermont 05672
RSPOA Contacts
RSPOA Business Manager, Ashley Getty, (administrative and billing questions)
(802) 917-2297 (call or text)
RSPOA Maintenance Manager, Mark Preston
Office telephone: 802-253-2213
(802) 279-6612 (call or text)
RSPOA President, Grant Davis
(203) 953-6968
RSPOA Architectural Review Committee
RSPOA Board of Directors:
Grant Davis (President), Clark Abbott, John Cassella, Kelly Fimlaid, Ori Ben-Akiva and Jonathan Isaacson.
Owners may view minutes from Annual Meetings (typically held Labor Day weekend), Board of Director meeting minutes, Board of Director contact information and more by logging in to their PayHOA account and clicking on "Documents" on the left side of the page